MapTool 1.5.3 Released

The RPTools staff is proud to announce the release of MapTool 1.5.3. You can find a complete changelog here. This version of 1.5 comes closer to becoming our Stable build for general use. Please download and run your frameworks through it to make sure everything is still working as expected. MapTool versions from 1.5 onward are 64-bit OS only.

We’ll probably have one or two more releases before declaring 1.5 stable and moving on to MapTool 2.0.


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Windows 10 DPI Scaling Strikes Again!

DPI scaling may affect your MapTool experience in odd ways. We've previously discussed the effect on the readability of MapTool text as well as a workaround to fix it. Recently, community member Vishika complained the templating tool has issues in the new version of MapTool. We discovered DPI Scaling had once again bit MapTool. However, through the diagnosis, we discovered how…

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