RPTools products are used worldwide and support 11 languages as of this writing. We’ve always relied on volunteers to provide translations for the menus, tooltips, and labels in MapTool and TokenTool. We’ve now made it easier to contribute by leveraging crowdin, a third-party translation site.
Crowdin allows users to add new or edit existing language files for the MapTool user interface. You will need to create an account on crowdin or log in with an existing Facebook, Google, Twitter, GitHub or GitLab account. Once you have an account, go to the MapTool project to view the current languages and the progress in translating them.
You select the language you wish to work on and submit a join request for the project. Once added, you’ll be able to edit the language files and provide translations. If your language is missing, contact one of the MapTool project managers about getting it added via Discord or the Forums. Please read the Intro for Volunteer Translators before starting your translation efforts.
Excited about the new functionality? Let’s discuss in the comments below or on one of our many social outlets.
You can download available versions of MapTool from GitHub.
All users running versions prior to 1.8.3 are strongly encouraged to update. See this announcement post on our forum.
A JAR file version may be downloaded as well but is only recommended for developers or other advanced users.
Mac Users are encouraged to use the PKG version of the install. Windows users are encouraged to use the MSI.
If you need interactive help, please join our Discord Server. Or visit our wiki for complete walk-throughs of how to use the tool. Our Community page has more links; see the toolbar at the top of the page.