Object Embedded VBL

With the upcoming release of MapTool 1.4.2, GMs will be able to add a layer of Vision Blocking to stamps and tokens. This means Players will be able to see an object but that object will block all light and sight from passing through it. This comes in handy for doors, statues, vehicles, and large tokens. When combined with MapTools Macro…

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MapTool Dev/Test Version Released

The last (hopefully) Dev/Test version in the 1.4.1 series is now available for download from http://maptool.craigs-stuff.net/test-builds/. The 1.4.1 series saw a large number of major changes which will now be rolled into the forthcoming 1.4.2 production release. We'll only release a if more testing is required. As with all Dev/Test builds, be sure to backup your campaign before using this for a…

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MapTool Dev/Test Version Released

The RPTools craftsmen produced a new Dev/Test MapTool version for you to try. Adventurous GMs should consider trying it in one of your games but be very sure to save a backup copy of your campaign first. There will likely be one more Dev/Test release before we increment to so please take some time to try this version so we can catch…

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MapTool Released

This release corrects a few small bugs affecting isometric map 'figure' stamps along with a fix for Draw Tool images. This is likely the last version of the 1.4.0.x series and represents our latest production release. Please upgrade as soon as practical. Bugfixes Resize free size figure tokens (Jagged) Fixes for Z-Order on free sized objects (Jagged) Fixes for resizing stamps…

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Draw Explorer: Get/Set Properties

6With the release of Maptool 1.4.2 you will have the ability to get a drawing’s properties and apply those to another drawing.   You can try this functionality in the Dev/Test Build of MapTool now but we don’t recommend using Dev/Test for your gaming sessions unless you’re the adventurous sort.

Drawing properties are the selections you make in the Drawing dialog shown to the right. The power of this functionality comes into play when you want to redo a map with a new texture, border, or transparency. You’ll be able to update your drawing rather than redraw with new settings. It should be a great time saver for users who draw their maps rather than import them.

The Get Properties function is simple to use. You simply select the drawing with properties you want to mimic in the Draw Explorer, right click, and select the Get Properties option from the popup menu. To apply these properties, select another drawing and perform Set Properties on it.


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Draw Explorer: Merging

merge4With the release of Maptool 1.4.2, you will have the ability to merge different drawn elements of your map together. You can try this functionality in the Dev/Test Build of MapTool now but we don’t recommend using Dev/Test for your gaming sessions unless you’re the adventurous sort. If you’re unfamiliar with the Draw Explorer, we detailed its initial functionality in a previous post.

Merge Drawing is somewhat like Group Drawings where you can work with a series of individual elements as one but the true power comes when working with transparencies. When using a non-100% transparency setting for overlapping drawings, the opacities will add, causing the transparency to be more opaque. The effect: overlapping shapes spoil the transparency effect. To correct this, you can now merge drawings into a single object.


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