MapTool 1.12.2 Released

Highlights #3723 Checkbox to use theme for chatbox colors move to top of theme preferences tab.#3720 Corrected issue with players randomly disconnecting.#3719 Macro function setHalo("None") was throwing NPE. Fixed.#3703 Grid offsets were reset on loaded maps.#3702 Grid offsets were changing on server start. Fixed.#3701 Fixed issue with dropped assets showing as red Xs.#3700 Macro function removeTokenFacing() was throwing NPE. Fixed.#3689 Soft FoW opacity was ignored when no sight was present. Fixed.#3688 Soft FoW was…

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MAPTOOL 1.12.1 Released

Some updates have been made to the new version Highlights #3669 Token Bars were resetting to Top side after server start. Fixed.#3662 Edit Token dialog was too tall for lower resolution screens. Fixed.#3660 Image Scaling Quality now defaults to Low (Fastest) setting.#3658 Docked windows set to auto-hide could not be resized. Fixed.#3656 Fixes for image scaling performance.#3654 Added logging for initiative null pointer.#3653 More fixes for older campaign…

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