MapTool Released

Time for another build with bug fixes and some features

SwatBugBug Fixes and New Features

  • Fix for math.cos(), math.sin(), math.tan(), math.acos(), math.asin(), math.atan() macro functions (Craig).
  • Added json.rolls() macro function (Craig).
  • Added json.objrolls() macro function (Craig).
  • Overdue update to the credits file (Craig).

Build Related

  • Continuous Integration using Travis CI (joshsziegler)


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MapTool Released

We are pleased to announce the release of MapTool, now available from the Download page. MapTool includes the following fixes, improvements, and additions. Added json.removeFirst macro function, similar to json.difference() but will only remove the first occurrence of match. e.g. json.removeFirst('[2,2,4,5,6,6,4]', '[2,6]') = [2,4,5,6,4] Fix for trailing end of line character of version string in getInfo('client') macro function. Added…

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Draw Explorer: Cut example

The new feature provided by the Draw Explorer is the ability to group elements of your drawing together. Grouping draws these elements as one effective object. How this differs from elements drawn normally becomes apparent when you include cuts or erasings in your group. You draw a tower, starting with a circle. You then hollow it out using a circle cut and…

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New Functionality: Draw Explorer

MapTool added the Draw Explorer as a new feature in release This innovation gives GMs access to a tree view of drawings and templates on the current map. From this view, users see a list of elements created with the Drawing and Template Tools. Note: for the purposes of this article, both templates and drawings will simply be called drawings.…

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MapTool Released

This was a quick release to fix the tableImage() image issue which surfaced in MapTool build This release also adds capabilities to modify the max recursion depth in function calls. Thanks to Jagged for the quick turn around time on the bug and Craig for the recursion limit change and build. Please see the Announcements thread for more details. You can…

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MapTool Released

Great news everyone. There's a new version of MapTool available from the download page of The most exciting features of Build includes some new functionality that will make drawing maps easier and new MapTool Table functions that effectively allow for global variables and image stores without resorting to dropping new tokens on a map. Look for posts regarding this…

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MapTool 1.4.0 Release

We're proud to announce the release of MapTool 1.4.0, creating a revitalization of MapTool development methodologies and direction. The MapTool application began life in 2005 when three programmers started an open source Java project as a way to connect remote friends for their RPG. It has grown in features and functionality over the last decade to include capabilities suggested by and…

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Editing Macros

MTScript is a custom language for writing MapTool macros which grew out of MapTool's chat functionality. It began simply enough as a way to roll dice. It expanded over time to the point where users create custom gaming frameworks and convenience functions in MapTool to be used by GMs and Players alike. To get a hint of what mtScript can do, check…

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